Who is Megan Redshaw?

Megan Redshaw is an attorney and investigative journalist with a deep understanding of government operations, public policy, and political dynamics. Megan also has expertise in natural medicine, nutrition, and exercise science. With over a decade in the health freedom movement, she had an insider’s perspective on the flaws and corruption within public health agencies long before the COVID-19 pandemic brought them to light.

As an advocate for free speech, Megan is deeply aware of the ongoing assault on our First Amendment rights and its profound implications for science, medicine, and public health. Throughout the pandemic, Megan became a leading voice in the fight for truth and transparency, penning over a thousand articles on COVID-19 vaccines, studies, and government measures. She also played a pivotal role in helping others secure religious vaccine exemptions and spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at dismantling mandates, exposing corruption, and safeguarding our fundamental liberties.

On a personal note, Megan has five children, is a domestic and civil mediator with a flair for juvenile law (CPS litigation), and lives on a homestead in Missouri.

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If you’re here, it’s probably because you’ve either been following Megan at some point over the past 16 years or you happened upon a post she wrote that either challenged a belief you held about a controversial topic or you needed reinforcements because the elitist-funded propaganda machine was starting to make you question your own reality.

Either way, what’s important is that you’re here—and we hope you will stay, read, share, subscribe, comment, and be a part of the community we’re creating here.

A Personal “Thank You” From Megan

To those who have become paid subscribers, I want to thank you personally. Although I am grateful to everyone who reads and shares my content, you have made it possible for me to write, motivated me to press on through seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and have played a huge role in educating and empowering others. There is no way I could spend hours upon hours writing without you.

If you’re not a paid subscriber, I still love you and hope you’ll continue to read, learn, and follow along.

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Megan Redshaw is an attorney and investigative journalist with a deep understanding of government operations, public policy, and political dynamics. Megan also has expertise in natural medicine, nutrition, and exercise science.