What You Need to Know: Synthetic Vitamin K Shot for Babies
This is an updated version of my article on the potential dangers of injecting infants with vitamin K.
This article originally appeared on Living Whole and has been updated and published here. You should know from the outset that I am not questioning the need for emergency medical care. What I am questioning is the need to unncessarily inject every single infant with a substance that can cause harm, including death, and believe parents deserve informed consent.
The anti-vaccination movement has suddenly become the anti-vitamin movement, and babies are suffering — at least, that’s what they’d like you to believe. Apparently, more people are educating themselves and are choosing not to give their babies synthetic vitamin K “prophylaxis” at birth. This is a huge problem. We can’t have parents questioning authority or a practice based on poorly done studies with no controlled or long-term clinical trials whatsoever.
The four babies who get vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) out of the 3.7 million babies born in the U.S. each year? That’s not due to the medications women take while pregnant, unnecessary trauma women and babies suffer during childbirth, early cord-cutting, antibiotics given to infants, circumcision, or the hepatitis B vaccine given to babies during their first 12 hours of life to “protect” them against a disease that’s transferred via sex and dirty needles.
It’s just a coincidence that one of the many possible adverse reactions associated with infant vaccines is encephalitis, which coincidentally can cause hemorrhaging and thrombocytopenic purpura.
We’ll just pretend babies randomly suffer brain bleeds at birth and that the solution is to inject every single infant with something that could harm it to protect it from something that occurs so rarely that we don’t even keep stats on it.
Do you know what else we don’t keep stats on? Babies who are injured or develop leukemia after receiving a vitamin K shot. When enough people started questioning the rise in infant cancers, they were called conspiracy theorists, valid studies were censored, and counter “papers” they passed off as “studies” concluded anything but. (Sound familiar?)
As is the case with vaccines, we have been told the vitamin K shot is completely safe, but this simply isn’t true. The package insert you were probably never given has an impressive list of warnings, including the not-so-coveted “black box” warning.