Why is Neurotoxic Fluoride Still Being Added to Our Drinking Water?
The government does crazy things in the name of health. Dumping toxic fluoride into our tap water is one of them.
I never questioned whether fluoride was good for me until I hit the “period of enlightenment” in my twenties. I had no issue drinking tap water, always used a “#1 dentist-approved” fluoride toothpaste, and opted for fluoride treatments during cleaning. Fluoride was good because the government said it was, my dentist promoted it—and so did the companies that manufacture toothpaste. Sound at all familiar to another industry, you know?
It wasn’t until I had the privilege of sitting through a dissertation presentation devoted to the history and dangers of fluoride that I began to question everything I had ever been told about this highly toxic chemical we’ve been led to believe is good for us.
Did studies really show fluoride prevents tooth decay? Did data support mass medicating the American population with fluoride through drinking water? Is it possible we’ve been played?
If fluoride was a neurotoxin like the presenter said it was, and it really could cause harmful effects, and there wasn’t science to support flooding our bodies with it through food, toothpaste, and water, I wasn’t about to continue poisoning myself. Who would? That’s like getting a third COVID booster shot when the first two didn’t work and caused heart damage.
It didn’t take long before I switched to fluoride-free toothpaste, turned off the tap, opted out of fluoride treatments, avoided produce sprayed with pesticides, and upped my label-reading game. Why? Because fluoride is a neurotoxic, carcinogenic, hazardous waste that causes birth defects, osteoporosis, teeth fluorosis, thyroid problems, a lower IQ, central nervous system problems, cancer, and an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. (The government and “National Academies” have done an amazing job scrubbing scientific studies from the internet that would lead inquiring people to the reality they’re being poisoned by their water.)
As of July 18, 2022, 76 studies have linked fluoride with lower IQ in humans.
Excess fluoride intake during early pregnancy—60% of which crosses the placenta—may cause an increased prevalence and severity of maternal anemia and adverse fetal outcomes such as miscarriages, abortions, intra-uterine deaths, and congenital malformations. Do you see health officials in this country warning pregnant women to avoid fluoride like they do mercury in tuna? No. They recommend the opposite, and U.S. “health” agencies haven’t been tracking adverse outcomes.