I’m looking forward to seeing Susan Collins get primaried. Maine is a Red state with Blue leadership.

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Pretty obvious that Bill Cassidy and Susan Collins work for their boss, drug companies. As well as many others like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and more.

We cannot trust Congress, they work only for the drug companies.

Also, viruses are *imaginary. What they are calling a virus is some sort of frequency, wave like radiation, x-ray or sound waves. And that is not going to respond to a prescription pill so they won’t tell the truth about their virus boogeyman.

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Why do the evil corporations get to dictate who is hired in government positions? The government is supposed to work for us! The people want Mr. Weldon as CDC Director so we can finally expose the vaccine scam we’ve all been sold for decades! So the sleepy sheeple can awaken! This is totally egregious! Should be against the law! Lobbyists need to GO AWAY!!!!!

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I just don't understand how this works. But I do know that all lobbying must go. This to me is a scandal how a corrupt industry of any kind can have this kind influence in government. I guess "follow the money" is alive and well in DC. Makes me sick.

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