A COVID-19 Vaccine Protocol for Those Forced to Get Vaccinated or Have Buyer's Remorse
Former neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, shares his original detoxification protocol to support your body if you're forced to get a COVID vaccine or have buyer's remorse after-the-fact.
A few years ago, I came across a protocol by Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., called “What to Do if Force Vaccinated,” so I reached out to him to see if he had a version specific to COVID vaccines for people required to get the shot (or for those who had buyer’s remorse after-the-fact). Obviously, there is absolutely nothing you can do to “detox” a spike protein from your body—or your DNA for that matter—but there are a whole host of side-effects and immune dysfunction perpetuated by COVID vaccines that might benefit from some targeted assistance.
Dr. Blaylock was known not only for being an amazing neurosurgeon but also a lecturer, author, founder of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, and Associate Editor of the Neuroinflammation section of Surgical Neurology International.
Dr. Blaylock has also become one of my very good friends and permitted me to share his COVID vaccine protocol with you. This post is not medical advice. It is for information purposes only. Use (or don’t use) this protocol at your own risk. If you want to continue to pretend COVID vaccines have zero negative effects whatsoever on the body, you should stop reading here; otherwise, proceed to the protocol.