The Father of Medicine Hippocrates', knew more about healing than the majority of doctors do today. His information brought about cures. "Let food be your medicine; and medicine be your food". The bloodstream carries nutrients from natural, unprocessed, pesticide-free food to the cells and organs in the body. They provide natural immunity. The human body was not designed to handle toxic elements, like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, graphene hydroxide, etc. They destroy the immune system...not enhance it. It is a shame that doctors are not taught anything about nutrition in med school. The last thing Hippocrates would have prescribed would have been drugs or injections. i


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you do an excellent job of dispassionately setting forth facts. I would have let my emotions get in the way and would have been much less gracious and professional.

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Jungle justice recognizes no pardon

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Since when can anyone (even an outgoing president) pardon someone who has not been tried or convicted? Biden is just trying protect the ones he was in the tank with concerning lies about the covid19 vaccines and the origin of it. I just fail to see how any court would see how this "pardon" could hold water.

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The blubbering blithering fool rides off into the sunset the worst Prez in my lifetime and perhaps the worst, most inept dolt to ever inhabit that office. What a freaking disgrace..He cannot leave too soon for me. It is TRUMP time now..

Make America Great Again.


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As expected, the corrupt look after their own, and Genocide Joe polishes his legacy of death, neglect, and disaster at home and abroad to its bloody and unlamented end.

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If fauci has been pardoned, that proves he is a criminal. You don't excuse innocent people.

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Pardoned?! He should be summarily executed with MAXimum prejudice.

Fauci at the Mic

The outlook wasn't dancing for the dark triad that day

The plandemic wasn't working to keep humanity at bay

And then when Tedros lost the plot, and Walenski did the same,

A pall-like silence fell upon the psychos of the game.

A straggling few got up to leave deep in dark despair.

Mankind had some signs of life, and that just wasn't fair

They thought, "If only Fauci could but get his turn to speak

We'd put up even money now on that nihilist antique"

But Xiden preceded Fauci, as did Billy Gates,

The former was a pedo, the latter was ‘the rake’.

Thus upon those stricken maniacs grim melancholy settled,

For mankind might just remain un-murdered and un-mangled

But pedo-joe instilled some fear, to the wonderment of all,

And Gates, subduing laughter, scrawled propaganda on the wall;

And when the dust had lifted, and they saw what had occurred,

Lockdowns were in lockstep and injections were secured

Then from six psychotic throats a lusty yell did linger;

For the seething masses bought the nonsense hook, line, & sinker

Joy rumbled through the WEF, confidence kindled with new vigor

For who knew wicked scumbags could so inspire and deliver

Their lies found their marks like arrows discharged from their trigger

And Fauci, mighty Fauci, was now advancing with his quiver

There was ease in Fauci's manner as he stepped in to advise;

There was pride in Fauci's bearing and a boast lit Fauci's eyes.

And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his mask

No monster in the WHO could doubt the charm of that braodcast

Ten million ears were straining as he spun his twisted fable

Double masking, triple testing were all on that tinpot's table

Business closures, churches shuttered, plus some social distance

"Are what's needed from you all to end this prisoner existence"

And while the writhing fraudster ground these lies into those brains

Faux fear flashed on Fauci's face as he forewarned the next strain

As this auditory pestilence came hurtling through the room,

And as Fauci stands reciting it, there, in mock terrified doom

Into the minds of children this dread unheeded sped

"The schools must close", said Fauci. "Oh Yes!" those children said.

From the couches packed with people, there went up a muffled roar,

Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore;

"Kill him! Kill that Fauci" shouted a parent in the crowd;

And it's likely they'd have killed him had not Fauci said aloud

"Two weeks is all we're asking to flatten the infection curve"

From his dungeon Klaus Schwab chuckles, "this man has some nerve"

With a smile of Christian charity great Fauci's visage shone;

He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the fraud go on;

He signaled for the president, and once more the pedo came

But drooling at the microphone he forgot great Fauci's name

"Let's hear it for ... this man", said he, he's gonna save us all

For there is no price too great to pay to save just one grandma

"Agreed!" cried the maddened millions, and the echo answered "Greed"

Gates snickers, smirks, & sneers as they chant his apex creed

Walenski laughs hysterically with her predatory grin

While Tedros phones some terrorists and says, "my boys, we're in"

Klaus summons Bobby McFerrin, and tells him, "son be snappy"

And has him play his favorite hymn: "own nothing and be happy"

Oh, nowhere in this favoured land is liberty shining brightly,

McFerrin’s is the only band playing, and no hearts are taking it lightly

Yes, somewhere globalists are dancing, but nowhere children shout

No, there is no joy beyond WEFville - Dr. Fauci just spoke out

Audio recording and more mockery here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/fauci-at-the-mic-parody-of-casey

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