Are There Really Aborted Baby Ingredients in Vaccines?
Shared hundreds of thousands of times, this is the original post that broke down the existence of aborted baby ingredients in vaccine research and development.
More than seven years ago, I wrote a post that broke the news to the masses that aborted fetal ingredients were being used in pediatric vaccines — and pointed out the hypocrisy of preaching a pro-life message while calling for kids to be vaccinated with vaccines containing ingredients derived from the practice preached against. By request, here’s this article.
By now, you’ve seen at least one of the many Planned Parenthood videos that made the rounds discussing in painful detail how babies are ripped from their mothers, hacked up, and sold for profit. The videos where professionals (over lunch, no less) laughingly talked about changing their procedures — putting women at greater risk of complication — to obtain perfect specimens. The video where a live baby with a beating heart was killed for a brain. (By now, these videos have largely been censored, and search results replaced with Planned Parenthood propaganda likely paid for with our tax dollars. This organization has fiercely pursued the creator of these videos in court for exposing their sinister practices.)
I wish I was making this up, but I’m not. The truth is abortions are a for-profit industry, and aborted baby parts are big business. But what do you expect from an organization whose founder believed that one race was superior to another, strategically placed her abortion clinics in poor, black communities, and believed the greatest gift a large family could give an unborn child was to kill it?
What do you expect from a medical and scientific community that claims science cannot advance without aborted babies or a government that pretends to help women by liberating them from their pregnancies while mandating people get injected with vaccines containing aborted fetal cells, DNA, and protein obtained from aborted pregnancies?
Many of the same legislators demanding that Planned Parenthood be defunded to prevent them from selling aborted baby parts are hypocritically supporting mandates that force parents to inject their children with them. It’s the equivalent of banning sugar while mandating parents feed their children sugar cookies—and simultaneously pretending sugar cookies do not contain sugar. It makes absolutely zero sense.
Many of the same parents holding up a pro-life sign on Sunday are leading the charge against others for not vaccinating their children with vaccines containing aborted baby ingredients on well-check baby Monday. In fact, some of the most prominent Christian organizations and magazine publications have promoted vaccines containing aborted baby ingredients and have given platforms to atheists bashing the religious reasons for opting out while demanding that we stand up against abortion. Hypocrisy anyone?
No wonder people are confused. You’ve got the church telling you to vaccinate your kid, the government mandating it, religious leaders preaching all things pro-life, and the vaccine enthusiasts pretending the entire issue doesn’t exist. So which is it? Do vaccines contain aborted fetal ingredients or not? If so, is it true that this was just a one-time thing? Is this some sort of conspiracy? Because if true, it is a scene out of the worst sci-fi novel ever written.