What You Need to Know About Aborted Baby Ingredients and COVID-19 Vaccines
This is possibly the best argument you can use on a religious vaccine exemption and is the first step to red-pilling your Christian friends.
If you’re planning to request an exemption to COVID vaccines on religious grounds, arguably your biggest supporting argument will be that all four manufacturers of COVID vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration use cell lines obtained from aborted babies in the research, development or manufacturing of their products.
To this, you will state you have a “sincerely held religious belief” that prevents you from injecting the cells, tissue, DNA, and proteins of an aborted baby into your body, an objection to the practice of abortion itself and anything derived from it, or an objection to participating in a practice that undoubtedly encourages more abortions — something your faith prohibits.
The story should end there, as it doesn’t matter what belief any other entity, denomination, or religious leader holds on the issue — what matters are your own subjective beliefs. However, that won’t keep you from being subjected to a barrage of misinformation designed to undermine the severity of the aborted fetal issue or your right to obtain a religious exemption.
You may have been told none of the COVID vaccines contain aborted fetal ingredients, that it was just “one abortion” from a very long time ago if it does or it was so far removed from the original abortion, it couldn’t possibly be associated with any religious or ethical issues. Why? Because there’s a concerted effort to undermine the grounds for the religious exemption so that more people are vaccinated.
Yet, all four COVID vaccines currently authorized for emergency use have used aborted fetuses for the research, development, or manufacturing of their COVID vaccines. In addition, any vaccine that uses aborted fetal cell lines during manufacturing, like the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine, may also contain residual cells, DNA, or proteins from an aborted baby.
Let’s break this down further, shall we?